When you are sitting by yourself in a room, you are surrounded but it’s not by pets or people. It is by microscopic organisms which are floating in and out of your body at a surprising rate. Most of the viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi that come into our systems are fought off by our body’s own mighty immune system. But when our immune system has been compromised, those parasites can take hold and cause illnesses that run the full spectrum from a minor cold to major flu or worse.
You are susceptible to catching an infection from an opening in your body. Sometimes the infections can be caused by bugs or other objects breaking the skin. This is the reason why it is necessary to block the pathogens from entering into our systems.
The following will help you prevent infections:

Always Wash Cuts
Normally when we cut ourselves we wash then wash the cut. This is a simple task for a cut on the hands but not so simple for cuts that are located in other areas such as the legs or feet. All cuts need to be washed, sprayed with an antibacterial lotion, and then covered up. Never pick at a cut once it has begun to heal. Leave it alone so it can run its natural healing course. The same can also be said for any pimples or blemishes: Do not squeeze or pop them.
Wash Your Hands

The importance of washing your hands cannot be emphasized enough. You should never leave the kitchen or bathroom without first washing your hands. In fact, you should not begin any task in the kitchen until your hands have been thoroughly washed. A general wash isn’t where you should stop, make sure to target. When you sneeze, blow your nose, or use your hands to cover your mouth when you cough, then you need to immediately wash your hands. And this does not mean just a quick rinse under the water. Activate soap around the back, front, between the fingers and up to the wrists.
Cover Your Mouth When You Cough
When you sneeze or cough, aim into your elbow. The fewer germs that have contact with your hands the better.
Do Not Share
The aim is that we have the opportunity to surround ourselves with lots of amazing people. We may even get to share our lives with those people in our homes. This does not mean we should be sharing cups, dishes, or utensils with them. When someone has chosen to use an item, it becomes theirs permanently. Even if they are not sick, they may still be a carrier of germs which could knock you out.

Always Rinse Everything
While fresh veggies and fruits should be a daily part of our diets, they must be cleaned before consumption. All they need is a quick rinse. The same can be said for any fish, poultry, or meat, you are prepping for cooking. And as soon as those items go into the pot or pan, you must wash your hands with soap yet again. Once food is cooked you need to keep those foods away from any raw foods to avoid cross-contamination. Defrosting food should only be done in the fridge, under cold running water, or in a microwave oven; and never on the kitchen counter. Do not give any germs a fighting chance.